What is WILD?

WILD-GME is a longituindal affinity group and leadership program available as a workshop series across GME, produced for trainees and by trainees.  It is open to all residents and fellows and focused on the needs of trainees who identify as women and/or non-binary individuals. 


“While matriculation into medical school is over half women, men continue to outnumber women in leadership positions. Consider the numbers in academic medicine. Only 16% of medical school Deans are women, only 15% of department chairs are women, and men are more than twice as likely to become full professor when compared with women.” 

—Data from the Association of American Medical Colleges

Our Mission

Women in medicine remain underrepresented at all levels of leadership. WILD seeks to combat this by launching women into their careers in a way that combats systemic gender inequities holding women back in academic medicine.


Questions? Ideas for future events? Feedback on prior events? Please email us at [email protected].